Sunday, August 22, 2010

the finish of surviving another country

in the interest of time, here are my favorite pictured from norway and a bit about them:

the royal palace

Vigeland Sculpture Park

the botanical garden from the view point of a bug...

i usually like natural history museums... they are not so fun when you can't read anything. at least there was this gut to liven things up

the reason for the trip. this is my good friend, T. according to him, we have been friends since dippers. really, it has been since 6th or 7th grade.

i guess there will be one more installment as i have to go...

Thursday, August 12, 2010

surviving transitions

sorry for my absence folks.

i am in the midst of transition:
i am transitioning...
  • from small town life to to being back in the city.
  • from living on my own to having a roommate with only one bathroom.
  • from living 3 hours away from the boy to being in the same town.
  • from having no social life to having one.
needless to say i've been busy.

PLUS, i am in the middle... well end of planning for my new teaching gig to start. we start on tuesday. YES!!!! I KNOW!! the tuesday that is in a few days. it is getting close; HOLY TURBO it is scary close. my room is 95% set. the remaining piles and my desk will be cleared off by then. day 1 is planned. now i just need to get on with the first two weeks and i think it will be good.

for those of you who don't know, i will be a k-3 grade teacher in a little country school just north of where i grew up. i have 5 kiddos in my room (there are 12 in the whole school); 2 kindergarten, 1 2nd grader, and 2 3rd graders. i am VERY excited for the amount of attention i'm going to be able to give my kiddos and the amount of freedom i am going to have. and.... are you ready for this? i get to teach music 2 times a week!

i promise that i will share stores of my adventures and pictures of my room because it is pretty awesome!!!!

and i promise that i will finish telling you about my trip to norway... right now lessons win!

peace out... i need to go laminate things!