as i look out my window, i see a mummy, a obsquere looking monk, a rainmaker, a gangsta', and a native. here's a picture of a couple of them:
it brings a smile to my face that these 16-30 year olds will dress up to look rediculouse just to make the campers smile. that they will work long, hard hours for little pay in hopes that they will impact one camper's life. it is a FANTASTIC job.
it is a shame that the rest of my life in this place doesn't bring as much joy as working at camp does. i would love to stay in this place and do the job that i'm doing. but i'm not happy with the rest of my life. so i'm going to chance that.
i am excited to share that i will be moving back to my home town, B, and work a k-3 grade teacher in a small town north of my home town. i'm excited to be a teacher; it is what i truely love to do. i'm excited that my boss what overjoyed for me when i told here. i'm excted that i'll get to be closer to my mom and dad. i'm excited because one of my best freinds in the world is moving back too; hopefully her husband will share her with me. i'm excited that i found a roommate so fast and that i have chance to renew an old friendship. i'm excited that i get to see a certain boy on a regular basis. i'm excited. now i just have to start telling the rest of the world.
i'm also excited because things with said boy, N, are progressing nicely. last night we had a very open and honest conversation. it is nice to know what he's thinking. it's nice to have him know what i'm thinking. he's one of those guys who doesn't say what he's feeling; he lets his actions talk for him (which can be somewhat confusing) and i'm one of those people who takes forever to say what i'm thinking because i want to make sure i say it in just the right way. needless to say, things had been going unsaid between us for a bit. but now they are out there and it feels lovely. i'm excited to keep this open communication going.
i'm also very excited because i get to see N on saturday; the same day that i meet my future students and go on some apartment viewings with my future roomie.
it is looking like i'll have to change the name of my blog since come august i won't be a city girl in a small town. i'll be a city girl returning home. and they won't be ramblings of how i'm just trying to survive. they will be ramblings of how i'm living the life that god has given me.
wow!!! roomie too?!?! that's new!
ReplyDeleteit all is sounding SSOOO exciting and i'm REALLY REALLY happy for you.
ps. i also want to hear more about this boy. that is... if you want to share. :)